Sunday, February 14, 2021

Painting: Sleeping White Cat

This is my acrylic painting of a sleeping white cat, hereby dedicated to the public domain under the cc0 license. Artist, D.K. Pritchett has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Sleeping White Cat. It is also available on Google Drive. If your project is cramped for space, it is not strictly necessary to include the title of this work.


Sleeping White Cat by D.K. Pritchett. Creative Commons (cc0 license). Copyright waived. United States.

Pink Self: Painting in the Public Domain

I am dedicating this photo of my acrylic painting to the public domain. Titles (optional, choose one; if space is a problem on your specific project, it is not necessary to use a title): Self-Portrait in Pink by D.K. Pritchett ; Pink Self ; Portrait. Media: acrylic on rough-textured cloth or canvas. License cc0. File also accessible at Google Drive.


To the extent possible under law, D.K. Pritchett has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Pink Self. This work is published from: United States.